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NOAA’s new strategies in six key science and technology (S&T) focus areas will guide transformative advancements in the quality and timeliness of NOAA’s products and services across our mission areas.  Our strategies in the fields of (1) Uncrewed Systems (UxS), (2) Artificial Intelligence (AI), (3) Cloud Computing, the use of advanced methods to analyze material such as DNA, RNA, or proteins, called (4) ‘Omics, (5) Data, and (6) Citizen Science, will help us more efficiently and effectively adopt the breakthrough S&T applications to help deliver the world’s best weather forecasts and to grow the American Blue Economy.

The use of these tools is not new to NOAA. In fact we have robust experience and demonstrated leadership with applications across a variety of mission areas and are already delivering successful operational systems that are beginning to pay dividends. To illustrate, UxS is already helping us map and explore more of America’s oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes;  AI is analyzing satellite data for severe weather and wildfire detection; Cloud computing partnerships with commercial cloud service providers allow NOAA to make more of its valuable data publicly accessible; NOAA already manages (or has extensive experience managing) environmental data that form the basis of NOAA's scientific products and services; and, ‘omics is already informing fisheries management decisions. Implementing our strategies more fully will accelerate these advances and serve as force multipliers to solve tough problems and set the course to strengthen our environmental S&T leadership for the coming decades.

(信息来源:海洋学家   海洋知圈编排

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