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1999. 02-2000. 02: 英国剑桥大学, 访问学者

1993. 09-1996. 07: 中国科学院海洋研究所, 博士

1988.09-1991.07: 中国科学院海洋研究所, 硕士

1984.09-1988.07: 北京大学, 学士



2016. 01至今: 自然资源部第一海洋研究所, 研究员/所长

2009. 05-2016. 01: 中国科学院海洋研究所, 研究员/副所长

2006. 06-2011. 12: 中国科学院海洋研究所, 研究员/海洋地质与环境重点实验室主任

2003. 07-2009. 04: 中国科学院海洋研究所, 研究员/所长助理

2003. 07-2006. 05: 中国科学院海洋研究所, 研究员/海洋地质与环境重点实验室副主任

2000. 03-2003. 06: 中国科学院海洋研究所, 研究员

1998. 03-2000. 02: 中国科学院海洋研究所, 副研究员

1994. 08-1998. 03: 中国科学院海洋研究所, 助理研究员

1991. 06-1994. 07: 中国科学院海洋研究所, 研究实习员



Journal of Sea Research国际期刊主编

Journal of Oceanology and Limnology期刊副主编









国家自然科学基金重点项目“80万年来热带西太平洋上层水体pHpCO2演变及影响机理”, 负责人,   2013-01--2017-12

中国科学院战略先导专项A项目“深海海洋环境与生态系统”, 负责人, 2013-01--2018-11

国家重点研发计划项目“自主海洋环境安全保障技术海上丝绸之路沿线国家适用性研究”, 负责人, 2017-07--2020-12

国家自然科学基金重点项目“晚中新世以来印度洋-太平洋暖池水体交换过程及其气候效应”, 负责人, 2019-01--2023-12

国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目山东泥楔成因及山东半岛万年来气候演化的研究, 负责人, 2020-01--2023-12


崂山实验室科技创新项目“新生代西太平洋环境演化的沉积记录及机制”, 负责人,  2022-03--2025-02



1)       1998年获中国科学院科技进步奖二等奖1

2)       2001年起享受国务院政府特殊津贴

3)       2001年获国家海洋局海洋创新成果奖二等奖1项(排名第四)

4)       2004年获国家海洋局海洋创新成果奖一等奖1项(排名第二)

5)       2009年入选为新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选

6)       2011年获国家海洋局海洋创新成果奖二等奖1项(排名第一)

7)       2015年度中国科学院杰出科技成就奖1项(突出贡献者)

8)       2017年获海洋工程科学技术奖特等奖1项(排名第二)

9)       专著《低纬度西太平洋硅藻席沉积与碳循环》获2016年度海洋优秀科技图书奖1

10)  2020年度海洋工程科学技术奖一等奖1项(排名第一)和二等奖1项(排名第四)

11)  2021年度海洋科学技术奖一等奖2项(分别排名第一和第四)



1)        李铁刚, 常凤鸣著,2009.   冲绳海槽古海洋学. 2009, 海洋出版社,   pp.1~259.

2)        李铁刚, 熊志方,翟滨著,2015.   低纬度西太平洋硅藻席沉积与碳循环. 2015, 海洋出版社,   pp.1~192.

3)        Yanli Lei and Tiegang Li,   2016. Atlas of Benthic Foraminifera from China Seas: The Bohai Sea and the   Yellow Sea. Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany and Science Press Beijing, pp.   1~399.



1)        Shuai Zhang, Zhoufei Yu, YueWang, Xun   Gong, Ann Holbourn, Fengming Chang, Heng Liu1, Xuhua Cheng, Tiegang Li, 2022.   Thermal coupling of the Indo-Pacific warm pool and Southern Ocean over the   past 30,000 years. Nature communications, 13(1), 1-9.(通讯作者)

2)        Zhifang Xiong, Tiegang Li, Thomas J.   Algeo, Louisa Bradtmiller, Mark Cane, Carlo Laj, Fujun Wang, Zhengyao Lu,   Bingbin Qin, Fengming Chang, Xun Gong, 2022. Monsoon-and ENSO-driven   surface-water pCO2 variation in the tropical West Pacific since the Last   Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 289, 107621. (通讯作者)

3)        Bingbin Qin, Qi Jia, Zhifang Xiong,   Tiegang Li, Thomas J. Algeo, Haowen Dang, 2022. Sustained Deep Pacific Carbon   Storage After the Mid‐Pleistocene Transition Linked to Enhanced Southern   Ocean Stratification. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(4), e2021GL097121. (通讯作者)

4)        Bingbin Qin, Tiegang Li, Zhifang   Xiong, Thomas J. Algeo, Qi Jia, Nürnberg, D., Jiangnan Shi. (2022).   Influences of Atlantic Ocean thermohaline circulation and Antarctic ice-sheet   expansion on Pliocene deep Pacific carbonate chemistry. Earth and Planetary   Science Letters, 599, 117868. (通讯作者)

5)        Jiangnan Shi, Qi Jia, Dirk Nürnberg,   Tiegang Li, Zhifang Xiong, Bingbin Qin, 2022. Coupled nutricline and   productivity variations during the Pliocene in the western Pacific warm pool   and their paleoceanographic implications. Global and Planetary Change, 212,   103810. (通讯作者)

6)        Zaibao Yang, Yanli Lei, Yair   Rosenthal, Tiegang Li, Zhimin Jian, 2021. Late Pleistocene climate induced   changes in paleo-vegetation in Borneo: possible implications to human   divergence. Quaternary Science Reviews, 267(2021): 107109. IF: 4.112. (通讯作者)

7)        Baichuan Duan, Tiegang Li, Paul N.   Pearson (2021). Three dimensional analysis of ontogenetic variation in fossil   globorotaliiform planktic foraminiferal tests and its implications for   ecology, life processes and functional morphology. Marine Micropaleontology,   165, 101989. (通讯作者)

8)        Shuai Zhang, Zhoufei Yu, Xun Gong, Yue   Wang, Fengming Chang, Gerrit Lohmman,Yiquan Qi, Tiegang Li (2021). Precession   cycles of the El Niño/Southern oscillation-like system controlled by Pacific   upper-ocean stratification. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1),   1-10. (通讯作者)

9)        Qi Jia, Tiegang Li, Zhifang Xiong,   Stephan Steink, Thomas J. Algeo, Fuqing Jiang, Fengming Chang, Bingbin Qin.   Thermocline dynamics in the northwestern tropical Pacific over the past 700   kyr. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2020, 244, 106465. (通讯作者)

10)     Bingbin Qin, Tiegang Ti, Zhifang   Xiong, Algeo, T. J., Qi Jia. Calcification of planktonic foraminifer   Pulleniatina obliquiloculata controlled by seawater temperature rather than   ocean acidification. Global and Planetary Change , 2020, 103256. (通讯作者)

11)     Rui Zhang, Tiegang Li, James Russell,   Fan Zhang, Xin Xiao, Yaxin Cheng, Zhiyong Liu, Minglei Guan, Qi Han. Source   apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in continental shelf of the   East China Sea with dual compound-specific isotopes (δ13C and δ2H). Science   of The Total Environment, 2020, 135459. (通讯作者)

12)     Zhoufei Yu, Yanli Lei, Tiegang Li,   Shuai Zhang, Zhifang Xiong, 2019. Mg and Sr uptake in benthic foraminifera   Ammonia aomoriensis based on culture and field studies. Palaeogeography,   Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 520: 229-239. (通讯作者)

13)     Zhifang Xiong, Tiegang Li, Fuqing   Jiang, Fengming Chang, Shuangxi Chen, 2019. Millennial-scale evolution of   elemental ratios in bulk sediments from the western Philippine Sea and   implications for chemical weathering in Luzon since the Last Glacial Maximum.   Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 179, 127-137. (通讯作者)

14)     Shuaishuai Dong, Yanli Lei, Tiegang   Li, Zhimin Jian, 2019. Responses of benthic foraminifera to changes of   temperature and salinity: results from a laboratory culture experiment.   Science China Earth Sciences, 62(2): 459–472. (通讯作者)

15)     Tiegang Li, Aiping Feng, Yanxiong Liu,   Zhenhong Li, Kai Guo, Wenzheng Jiang, Jun Du, Ziwen Tian, Wenxue Xu, Yang Liu   and Yanru Wang, 2018. Three-dimensional (3D) morphology of Sansha Yongle Blue   Hole in the South China Sea rvealed by underwater remotely operated vehicle,   scientific report 8:17122/DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-35220-x.

16)     Qi Jia, Tiegang Li, Zhifang Xiong,   Stephan Steinke, Fuqing Jiang, Fengming Chang, Bingbin Qin, 2018.   Hydrological variability in the western tropical Pacific over the past 700   kyr and its linkage to Northern Hemisphere climatic change. Palaeogeography   Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 493: 44-54. (通讯作者)

17)     Zhaokai Xu, Tiegang Li, Christophe   Colin, Peter D. Clift, Rongtao Sun, Zhaojie Yu, Shiming Wan, Dhongil Lim.   Seasonal variations in the siliciclastic fluxes to the western Philippine Sea   and their impacts on seawater εNd values inferred from 1 year of in situ   observations above Benham Rise. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans,   2018, 123: 6688−6702(通讯作者)

18)     Zhaokai Xu, Tiegang Li, Peter D.   Clift, Shiming Wan, Xiaohua Qiu, Dhongil Lim, 2018. Bathyal records of   enhanced silicate erosion and weathering on the exposed Luzon shelf during   glacial lowstands and their significance for atmospheric CO2 sink. Chemical   Geology, 476:302-315. (通讯作者)

19)     Rui Zhang, Tiegang Li, James Russell,   Yurou Zhou, Fan Zhang, Zhiyong Liu, Minglei Guan, Qi Han, 2018.   High-resolution reconstruction of historical flood events in the Changjiang   River catchment based on geochemical and biomarker records. Chemical Geology,   499, 58-70. (通讯作者)

20)     Zhifang Xiong, Tiegang Li, Fengming   Chang, Thomas J. Algeo, Peter D. Clift, Lisa Bretschneider, Zhengyao Lu, Xiao   Zhu, Martin Frank, Peter E. Sauer, Fuqing Jiang, Shiming Wan, Xu Zhang,   Shuangxi Chen, Jie Huang, 2018. Rapid precipitation changes in the tropical   West Pacific linked to North Atlantic climate forcing during the last   deglaciation, Quaternary Science Reviews 197 (2018) 288-306. (通讯作者)

21)     Bingbin Qin, Tiegang Ti, Zhifang   Xiong, Algeo, T. J., and Qi Jia, 2018. Deep-water carbonate ion   concentrations in the Western Tropical Pacific since the mid-Pleistocene: A   major perturbation during the mid-Brunhes. Journal of Geophysical Research:   Oceans, 123, 6876–6892. (通讯作者)

22)     Bingbin Qin, Tiegang Li, Zhifang   Xiong, Thomas J Algeo, and Fengming Chang, 2017. Deepwater carbonate ion   concentrations in the western tropical Pacific since 250 ka: Evidence for   oceanic carbon storage and global climate influence. Paleoceanography, 32:   351-370. (通讯作者)

23)     Qingyun Nan, Tiegang Li, Jinxia Chen,   Xuefa Shi, Xinke Yu, Zhaokai Xu, Hanjie Sun, 2017. High resolution   unsaturated alkenones sea surface temperature records in the Yellow Sea   during the period of 3500–1300 cal. yr BP. Quaternary International441107-116. (通讯作者)

24)     Qingyun Nan, Tiegang Li, Jinxia Chen,   Fengming Chang, Xinke Yu, Zhaokai Xu, Zhong Pi, 2017. Holocene   paleoenvironment changes in the northern Yellow Sea: evidence from   alkenone-derived sea surface temperature. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,   Palaeoecology, 483:83-93. (通讯作者)

25)     Hanjie Sun, Tiegang Li, Fengming Chang,   Shiming Wan, Zhifang Xiong, Baizheng An, Rongtao Sun, 2017. Deep-sea   carbonate preservation in the western Philippine Sea over the past 1Ma.   Quaternary International, 459, 101-115. (通讯作者)

26)     Hanjie Sun, Tiegang Li, Chuanlian Liu,   Fengming Chang, Rongtao Sun, Zhifang Xiong, Baizheng An, 2017. Variations in   the western Pacific warm pool across the mid-Pleistocene: Evidence from   oxygen isotopes and coccoliths in the West Philippine Sea. Palaeogeography,   Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 483, 157-171. (通讯作者)

27)     Zhaokai Xu, Tiegang Li, Peter D.   Clift, Shiming Wan, Mingjiang Cai, Hongjin Chen, 2016. Comment on “Sr-Nd   isotope composition and clay mineral assemblages in eolian dust from the   central Philippine Sea over the last 600 kyr: Implications for the transport   mechanism of Asian dust” by Seo et al. Journal of Geophysical Research:   Atmosphers, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JD024946. (通讯作者)

28)     Bingbin Qin, Tiegang Li, Zhifang   Xiong, Thomas. J. Algeo, and Fengming Chang, 2016. An improved protocol for   cleaning of planktonic foraminifera for shell weight measurement. Journal of   Sedimentary Research. 86(5): 431-437. (通讯作者)

29)     Fengming Chang, Tiegang Li, Zhifang   Xiong, Zhaokai Xu, 2015. Evidence for sea level and monsoonally driven   variations in terrigenous input to the northern East China Sea during the   last 24.3 ka. Paleoceanography, 30: 642-658. (通讯作者)

30)     Rongtao Sun, Tiegang Li, Fengming   Chang, Qingyun Nan, Xiao Liu, 2015. A quantitative reconstruction of the   paleoenviornmental variations of the South Yellow Sea inner shelf based on   benthic foraminiferal transfer functions. Science China Earth Sciences,   58(9): 1633-1642. (通讯作者)

31)     Zhifang Xiong, Tiegang Li, Thomas   Algeo, Kristin Doering, Martin Frank, Mark A. Brzezinski, Fengming Chang,   Sophie Opfergelt, Xavier Crosta, Fuqing Jiang, Shiming Wan, and Bin Zhai,   2015.The silicon isotope composition of Ethmodiscus rex laminated diatom mats   from the tropical West Pacific: Implications for silicate cycling during the   Last Glacial Maximum. Paleoceanography, 2015, 30(7):803-823. (通讯作者)

32)     Tiegang Li, Zhaokai Xu, Dhongil Lim,   Fengming Chang, Shiming Wan, Hoisoo Jung, Jinyong Cho, 2015. Sr-Nd isotopic   constraints on detrital sediment provenance and paleoenvironmental change in   the northern Okinawa Trough during the late Quaternary. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,   Palaeoecology. 430, 74-84.

33)     Qiu Xiaohua, Li Tiegang, Chang   Fengming, Nan Qingyun, Xiong Zhifang, Sun Hanjie, 2014. Sea surface   temperature and salinity reconstruction based on stable isotopes and Mg/Ca of   planktonic foraminifera in the western Pacific Warm Pool during the last 155   ka. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 32(1): 187-200. (通讯作者)

34)     Zhifang Xiong, Tiegang Li, Xavier   Crosta, Thomas Algeo, Fengming Chang, Bin Zhai, 2013. Potential role of giant   marine diatoms in sequestration of atmospheric CO2 during the Last Glacial   Maximum: δ13C evidence from laminated Ethmodiscus rex mats in tropical West   Pacific. Global and Planetary Change, 108, 1-14. (通讯作者)

35)     Zhifang Xiong, Tiegang Li, Thomas   Algeo, Qingyun Nan, Bin Zhai, Bo Lu, 2012. Paleoproductivity and paleoredox   conditions during late Pleistocene accumulation of laminated diatom mats in   the tropical West Pacific. Chemical Geology, 334: 77-91. (通讯作者)

36)     Zhifang Xiong, Tiegang Li, Thomas   Algeo, Fengming Chang, Xuebo Yin, Zhaokai Xu, 2012. Rare earth element   geochemistry of laminated diatom mats from tropical West Pacific: Evidence   for more reducing bottomwaters and higher primary productivity during the   Last Glacial Maximum. Chemical Geology, 296-297: 103-118. (通讯作者)

37)     Tiegang Li, Jingtao Zhao, Qingyun Nan,   Rongtao Sun, XinkeYu, 2011 Paleoproductivity evolution in the center of the   western Pacific warm pool during the last 250 kyr. Journal of Quarternary   Science, 26(5): 478-484.

38)     Tiegang Li, Jingtao Zhao, Rongtao Sun,   Fengming Chang, Hanjie Sun. The variation of upper ocean structure and   paleoproductivity in the Kuroshio source region during the last 200 kyr.   Marine Micropaleontology, Vol 75(1-4), 50-61.

39)     Tiegang Li, Qingyun Nan, Bo Jiang,   Rongtao Sun and Deyu Zhang, Qing Li. 2009. Formation and evolution of the   modern warm current system in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea since the   last deglaciation. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. Vol27 (2) 2:   237-249. (通讯作者)

40)     Hongyue Dang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Jin Sun,   Tiegang Li, Zhinan Zhang and Guanpin Yang. 2008, Diversity and spatial   distribution of sediment ammonia-oxidizing crenarchaeota in response to   estuarine and environmental gradients in the Changjiang Estuary and East   China Sea. Microbiology, 154(7): 2084-2095. (通讯作者)

41)     Tiegang Li, RongTao Sun, DeYu Zhang,   ZhenXia Liu, Qing Li, Bo Jiang. 2007, Evolution and variation of the Tsushima   warm current during the late quaternary: Evidence from planktonic   foraminifera, oxygen and carbon isotopes. Science in China Series D: Earth   Sciences, Vol50(5): 725-735

42)     Tiegang Li, Rong Xiang, Rongtao Sun   and Qiyuan Cao. 2005, Benthic foraminifera and bottom water evolution in the   middle-southern Okinawa Trough during the last 18 ka. Science in China Series   D: Earth Sciences, Vol48(6): 805-814.

43)     Tiegang Li, Zhao Jingtao and Li Anchun. 2005, Episodes   of volcanic activity and their environmental effects in the Okinawa Trough   during the last 150 ka. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, Vol23   (4): 363-367

44)     Tiegang Li, Zhenxia Liu, Michael A.   Hall, Serge Berne, Yoshi Saito, Shuxi Cang, Zhenbo Cheng, 2001. Heinrich   event imprints in the Okinawa Trough: evidence from oxygen isotope and   planktonic foraminifera. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,   Vol176(1-4)133-146.

45)     Tiegang Li, Zhenxia Liu, Hall, M.A.,   Saito, Y., Berne, S., Shuxi Cang, Zhenbo Cheng, 2002. A broad deglacial δ13C   minimum event in planktonic foraminiferal records in the Okinawa Trough. Li   Tiegang. Chinese Science Bulletin 47(7): 599-602.



1)        实用新型专利:‘摇杆式螺旋定量分层取样器及其使用方法’(专利号ZL. 2012 1   0305268.7, 排名第1

2)        实用新型专利: ‘推式定量分层取样器及其使用方法(专利号ZL. 2012 1   0305266.8, 排名第2

3)        国家发明专利: ‘船载式海底沉积物修复装置及方法(专利号ZL. 2016 1   0242400.2, 排名第1

4)        国家发明专利: ‘深海有孔虫的内腔磨片快速制备方法’(专利号ZL. 201810189076.1)   , 排名第2


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